Energy Storage NL and Battery Competence Cluster - NL are joining forces!

Written by Battery Competence Cluster-NL
18 April 2023

Energy Storage NL, the trade association of the Dutch energy storage sector and the Battery Competence Cluster – NL (BCC-NL), the public-private partnership program for the development of the Dutch battery chain, announced on April 18, 2023 that they are working more intensively  together in the field of battery technology.  


Logical next step after National Agenda and Growth Fund proposal  

The National Battery Systems Action Agenda, published in 2022, shows that there are great opportunities for Dutch companies to create a national manufacturing industry for battery systems, including grid support. It is therefore important that parties unite to take a position together on the development of the new generation of battery technology, the integration of battery systems in the mobility and energy sector and the organization of the recycling chain. With a strong high-tech sector and strong ambitions for electrification of the mobility and energy sector, the Netherlands has important aspects for playing an important role in battery production and development.   

To give substance to this, Energy Storage NL and  BCC-NL have recently worked together on a growth fund proposal around 'Material Independence & Circular Batteries'. This proposal aims to develop a national battery ecosystem to maintain the competitive position of the Dutch manufacturing industry and to substantially strengthen it in the future, both nationally and internationally. The program is aimed at achieving long term earning capacity and reducing material dependence through the development and upscaling of sustainable and circular battery technology and production processes, and battery recycling. 

A strong organization of the battery chain in the Netherlands and good international positioning is necessary to take advantage of the opportunities in the chain and to establish collaborations.  To ensure a strong battery ecosystem, ESNL and BCC-NL have joined forces. 

Cooperation ESNL and BCC-NL 

With the broad network  of energy storage parties within Energy Storage NL and the specific knowledge of the BCC-NL regarding R&D development, both parties want to further stimulate battery innovations. In concrete terms, BCC-NL will support Energy Storage NL. In addition, Energy Storage NL will take a seat on the board of the BCC-NL. This should lead to more connections between different battery parties, knowledge sharing, a stronger international positioning and ultimately to collaborations between companies on different battery components.  

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