Battery Days 2023

Two-day battery event | German-Dutch cooperation on education, research, and developments in the next generation of batteries.


9 november 2023:
Time: 09.30h – 17.30h 
Location: Enschede, U park Hotel, De Veldmaat 8, 7522 NM Enschede 

10 november 2023:
Time: 09.00h – 14.00h* 
Location: Münster, IHK (Bildungszentrum), Sentmaringer Weg 61, 48151 Münster 

The Dutch battery ecosystem is joining forces on research and development into next-generation batteries containing less critical raw materials such as nickel or cobalt. Ultimately, the aim is to gain a strong Dutch and European position. During the Battery Days on 9 and 10 November, we will show examples of our cooperation with Germany.  

9 November 2023 – Enschede 
The Battery Day on the 9th of November takes place at the UT in Enschede and has as its theme German-Dutch cooperation on education, research, and developments in the next generation of batteries. Besides Dutch speakers, several German scientists, knowledge institutions, and companies (including MEET, FFB, University of Münster, and KLIB) will be present.  

Material Independence and Circular Batteries  
Battery Competence Cluster-NL is the tracker of the submitted National Growth Fund proposal "Material Independence and Circular Batteries". With this proposal, the cluster contributes to climate objectives such as CO2 reduction, zero-emission transport, and reduction of the use of scarce raw materials. It also, partly, implements the policy goals from the national battery strategy, such as training sufficient suitable personnel for the battery sector and exploring bilateral cooperation. (In this case, we zoom in on the Netherlands and Germany.) During the Battery Day on the 9th of November, we will launch the proposal with a symbolic starting shot. 

10 November 2023 – Münster 
A morning has been organized on the 10th of November where interested parties from the Netherlands can visit the MEET Battery Research Center and the so-called PreFab, the first pilot plant for battery cell production of the Fraunhofer Research Institute for Battery Cell Production (FFB) in Münster. Please note that participation on the 10th of November will take place on a draw basis if the maximum capacity of 50 participants is exceeded. After registration, you will receive a written notification confirming your participation. 


9 november 2023 Enschede 


Walk-in with coffee and tea 


Jeroen Heijs, deputy Director Innovation & Knowledge, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate


Update national program and international strategy of BCC-NL, by Rutger van Poppel of BCC-NL


 Battery research, design, and manufacturing across the Dutch-German border, with speakers of Fraunhofer Institute, University of Münster and University of Twente


Coffee break 


Lobby, knowledge tables and international developments of battery, Margien Storm van Leeuwen of Energy Storage NL




Choice of one of three following expert sessions:  

  1. Long duration batteries, by Wiebrand Kout (Elestor), Umar Mustaq (Nobian), Gert Jan Jongerden (Exergy), Rajiv Hotchandani (RWE) and Janneke Tjon Pian Gi (Aquabattery)

  2. Batteries & circularity; Presentation of the Holland Circular Hotspot brochure 

  3. Scaling up production for Next Generation batteries, by LeydenJar and Emagy


EU developments and opportunities by Wout Ijzermans of Batteries European Partnership Association (BEPA)


Startups in the spotlight 


Networking reception and business market 


10 november 2023 Münster 


Walk-in & registration with coffee and tea 


Opening and introduction FFB and MEET 


The German research agenda and developments of MEET & FFB 


Visit pilot- and test facilities in two groups (FFB and MEET)


What’s Next NL-DE? 




*Please note! Participation on 10 November 2023 will take place on the basis of a draw given the maximum capacity of 50 participants. The draw will be held on October 31, soon after you will receive a confirmation of your registration. 

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