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Securing the material independence of batteries

Interview with Philipa Biritwum from Battery Competence Cluster – NL

Together with industry, knowledge institutions and industry associations, the Battery Competence Cluster-NL (BCC-NL) is working to accelerate the energy transition by developing a strong battery ecosystem and bundling knowledge and competencies in the field of battery technology. The focus is on the Dutch battery, transport and maritime industry. As a storage system for renewable energy and as a driver for the electrification of our mobility, the role of batteries is invaluable. The BCC-NL innovation program aims to give the Netherlands a strong position in the international battery market. By focusing on sustainability, circularity and material independence, the cluster contributes to achieving climate goals and economic success in our country.  

Philipa Biritwum is Theme Leader International Strategy at BCC-NL. With twenty-seven years of experience in the energy, automotive and mining sectors, she is the right person for this job. She has worked for international companies such as Stellantis, Renault, Nissan, Jaguar Landrover, and has a wide range of expertise. With her knowledge of diverse cultures and her ability to build trust, she brings a unique and valuable contribution to the team and is an essential part of BCC-NL.  

Key interests come together 

She says: "I have lived and worked in many countries around the world. It makes me feel like a citizen of the world. I believe that the more you see, the more you learn and realize how diverse the world is. This international knowledge is good for BCC-NL, because the Netherlands has a lot to offer foreign companies. For example, I was recently in South Korea. I understand the culture because I'm familiar with it. You can be there directly, but it won't get you anywhere; You need trust first. In my work for BCC-NL, my main interests and acquired knowledge come together. As a result, I understand the companies I work with, and I know what's going on in the industry. I love being between these parties and linking their interests."  

Knowledge about the ecosystem  

The impact and scope of BCC-NL still manages to surprise her. For example, she wondered what an innovation program such as BCC-NL offers to large organizations, because they often already have specific knowledge, financial resources and an international network. "During a conversation with one of the major players in the Dutch market, I learned that they work with us because we know all the Dutch companies involved in battery technology. They had the technology and large customers in Asia and Western Europe, but were looking for customers domestically, such as the many startups that are ready to scale. We at BCC-NL know that ecosystem is like no other. And there was indeed one company that fit exactly with what they have to offer. Interesting, right? It's not that I have all the knowledge, but within BCC-NL we are in contact with an enormous variety of companies. This example shows that the entire ecosystem can benefit from BCC-NL." 

"As a connecting party, we try to unite all these entities"

A platform where everyone can go 

BCC-NL focuses on four themes in the field of batteries: Second use, materials and recycling; Sustainable battery components and production processes; Battery systems for heavy duty mobility and Battery systems for a sustainable energy supply. To achieve this, it is necessary to join forces. Philipa: "We have about nine research institutes in the Netherlands, which is really unique for the size of this country. In addition to companies, organizations such as the Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency (NFIA), governmental organizations and regional agencies are also connected to BCC-NL in one way or another. This is a hugely valuable network of organizations and companies. As a connecting party, we try to unite all these entities. Our role is to navigate, support and facilitate the program. We want to be a platform where all parties can go and make use of the support we offer to work together, to put issues on the agenda at an international level, or to evaluate where we stand technologically as the Netherlands. BCC-NL is therefore an innovation program, but also a platform where we facilitate, collaborate, steer and advise. We also want to make sure that companies – and every other entity within them – find a way to support the Dutch battery ecosystem and become even more sustainable."  

On the global map 

The innovation program is running the Material Independence & Circular Batteries project of the National Growth Fund. Philipa: "In this project, companies, knowledge institutions and the government are working together to become more independent of rare materials extracted in other countries and to use new materials for batteries, including setting up a recycling chain. The main goal is to put the Netherlands on the map worldwide as a major player in the battery sector. To achieve this, three main program lines have been drawn up. The first is about sustainable material supply. This involves looking at the supply of raw materials through refining and battery recycling. The second program line is about the development and scaling up of sustainable battery technology. This focuses on materials, components and equipment. The third program line deals with circular battery systems for transport applications and grid stability. This includes heavy-duty transport and large-scale pilots and demos for bulk batteries." 

A green investment 

The intended results of this program include ensuring that the Netherlands has sufficient capacity and knowledge to recover materials from batteries. That Dutch companies are becoming important suppliers of sustainable battery processes and components, and that the Netherlands is leading the way in the field of zero-emission end products in mobility, such as buses and trucks. In addition, the Netherlands aims to be a leading supplier of bulk batteries for grid stability and the program ensures that there is sufficient talent and personnel with the right skills in the battery field. "The National Growth Fund is investing €296 million in this project. This should not only contribute to economic growth in the Netherlands, but also to a sustainable future. By investing in battery technology, we are creating an ecosystem that offers opportunities for Dutch companies and contributes to CO2 reduction and more efficient energy use," Philipa explains. 

Facilitation by working together 

The collaboration with BCC-NL can therefore mean a lot for a company, nationally and internationally. "We are a facilitator. A program platform where you can come to and place your needs. We do our best to support you. We offer our network and facilitate you to enter into a collaboration. Whether you feel that your organization is too small to reach the larger partners, or that you know your partners but lack access to decision-making parties. BCC-NL can probably help you. We merge similar requests and try to organize something around them. Other participants also play a role in this. They actively reach out to other companies to understand where they are or want to be, what the technology roadmap is, or where and when they want to be at what level. Because sometimes you need the next technical level, and another company has that knowledge for you," Philipa concludes.   

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